About CarTrust Education
CarTrust Education is an e-learning platform designed to empower car buyers of all ages with clear, unbiased, brand-independent information. The objective is to provide course materials that will help you identify the 3 key elements that lead to car buying satisfaction.
30+ years of successful car shopping journeys using the proven 6 steps!
We are the first 100% independent education group with no ties to any dealership or automotive manufacturer. Since 2012 our objective has been to focus on education, industry car shopping solutions, and show you how to save time and money. In 2024 you’ll save even more with the support of personal automotive consultants.

Our Values
We price our services clearly and up-front, with no surprises. We expect our partners to do the same. A good experience for our clients is in everyone’s best interest. There’s nothing to hide if that’s your goal.
The best outcome for us is when our clients get the car and the savings that make them go “Wow!”. Let us earn your confidence.
Our consultants work and negotiate on behalf of our clients, to find the best deal for them.
Our partners are selected for their integrity and reliability.
Joseph Niro – CEO and Founder of CarTrust
Joseph believes that car shopping should be a stress-free and enjoyable experience.
Our goal and vision is not just to make it fun and easy to find the right car and save a lot of money, but also to make sure there is no more confusion in this process with an objective of removing one million fossil fuel vehicles per year.
Of course we intend to help everyone with their car purchase, but we are particularly committed to ensuring women have a great experience when buying a car.
In 2024, experienced consultants are there to smooth out the process and make sure the buyer’s questions are answered and their concerns addressed 100%.
CarTrust is always working to find Trusted Dealership partners that provide excellent sales, service, pricing, and support.